Montessori Oamaru

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Montessori Oamaru

Montessori Oamaru

May 6, 2023
in Branding, Website

Stacey from Montessori Oamaru came to me with a need for a complete branding design package for her new centre opening in 2018. We started on the logo which Stacey’s son wrote out, to keep a personal touch on the brand I recreated the logo while still obtaining the exact look of his handwriting. Then came the website design, I managed the website process from start to finish and collaborated with an SEO content copywriter so the content was google keyword friendly. We are still waiting for the professional photo shoot of the centre once it opens so in the meantime I sourced stock imagery for the site. Overall the website is super colourful, fresh and informative, it is the hub that holds all of the info for new parents looking for a beautiful Montessori Centre.

I also designed and managed the production of enrolment packs, pens, magnets and flyers. I also design templates in Canva so Stacey could edit some of the printed material herself, this is a cost-effective way for clients to edit their own documents that consistently change and they still look professionally designed too!

Fast forward to 2023 Stcaey was ready for a complete brand refresh to keep in line with their beautiful purpose-built centre and natural resources. They also had their own photos taken to reflect their stunning centre on their website, you can now compare the brand from 2018 – to the brand now in 2023.




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